Thursday, October 3, 2013

Honors Spring Course Offerings

Soon enough, you will be making plans for spring semester. Here are the honors offerings (as noted, some scheduling not yet finalized): 
Lower Division
HONR 100 Nature of Human Nature  Instructor TBA  TIME TBA 
PHIL 110H  Honors World Religions  Silliman TR 9:30-10:45  
HONR 201 Director’s Book Course  Karen Cardozo  TIME TBA  
ENVI 152H (cross-list) Environmental Resources, Science & Management  Shustack  MWF 9-9:50
ENVI 152HL ER Lab  Schustack  M 12-2:50
ENVI 152HL ER Lab  Schustack  T 12:30-3:20  
CCST 105H Chemistry of CSI  Harris  MWF 9-9:50
Upper Division
SPAN 390H Spanish and Latin American Cinema  Ramsden W 6:30-9:15
ANTH 355H  Politics of Culture  Colligan  (total cap of 15 in M302) T/Th 9:30-10:45am.  
ENGL 372H  Arts of Medieval and Renaissance Britain  Denhard  MW 3:30-4:45 
HONR 401  From Semiotics to Signification  Birch TIME TBA  Cap 16
ENGL 397/HONR 301 Kubrick and Kurosawa  Langston TR 12:30-1:45  Cap 16
BIOL 327H  Plants and Society  Mooney  MWF 1-1:50  Cap 18

Elie Wiesel Prize in Ethics

The Elie Wiesel Foundation Prize in Ethic Essay Contest for 2014 is now accepting submissions. First prize is $5,000, and there are four lesser awards. Should you plan to submit, the honors directors would be happy to consult with you about your essay. Rules and guidelines at: