Thursday, October 3, 2013

Honors Spring Course Offerings

Soon enough, you will be making plans for spring semester. Here are the honors offerings (as noted, some scheduling not yet finalized): 
Lower Division
HONR 100 Nature of Human Nature  Instructor TBA  TIME TBA 
PHIL 110H  Honors World Religions  Silliman TR 9:30-10:45  
HONR 201 Director’s Book Course  Karen Cardozo  TIME TBA  
ENVI 152H (cross-list) Environmental Resources, Science & Management  Shustack  MWF 9-9:50
ENVI 152HL ER Lab  Schustack  M 12-2:50
ENVI 152HL ER Lab  Schustack  T 12:30-3:20  
CCST 105H Chemistry of CSI  Harris  MWF 9-9:50
Upper Division
SPAN 390H Spanish and Latin American Cinema  Ramsden W 6:30-9:15
ANTH 355H  Politics of Culture  Colligan  (total cap of 15 in M302) T/Th 9:30-10:45am.  
ENGL 372H  Arts of Medieval and Renaissance Britain  Denhard  MW 3:30-4:45 
HONR 401  From Semiotics to Signification  Birch TIME TBA  Cap 16
ENGL 397/HONR 301 Kubrick and Kurosawa  Langston TR 12:30-1:45  Cap 16
BIOL 327H  Plants and Society  Mooney  MWF 1-1:50  Cap 18

Elie Wiesel Prize in Ethics

The Elie Wiesel Foundation Prize in Ethic Essay Contest for 2014 is now accepting submissions. First prize is $5,000, and there are four lesser awards. Should you plan to submit, the honors directors would be happy to consult with you about your essay. Rules and guidelines at:

Wednesday, September 4, 2013


Welcome everyone to the MCLA Honors blog. This is the place to go for up-to-date information about events, controversies (such as advance registration, which is now wending its way through governance), and general updates about the program. Please bookmark us and stop in from time to time.